Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate in the MYLIFE program?

MYLIFE is limited to Pueblo County middle schools and are selected by school staff as they identify students who would benefit from additional leadership opportunities and knowledge.

Is there curriculum already designed for the MYLIFE ACES video series?

Yes, the MYLIFE committee has created a custom curriculum to accompany the video series.

Is it free?

There is no cost to view or access and all videos are encouraged to be used as a classroom resource free of charge.

How many series are there and how long are they?

Each of the ten videos in the MYLIFE ACES series, and each are formatted to accommodate the common classroom length for viewing.

Was this series made under COVID precautions?

This series was made under strict COVID city and county guidelines, including proper social distancing and contact limitations. All required safety precautions were followed ensuring the safety and health of all participants.

Who has access to the MYLIFE ACES videos and curriculum?

MYLIFE ACES will be available to students, schools and families from southern Colorado and beyond.

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